Learning new vocabulary words can be difficult but practice makes perfect! Below are five vocabulary games that kids and families can play to strengthen skills and have fun along the way!
- Go on a scavenger hunt: This is the perfect rainy-day activity to help build vocabulary skills! Go through the alphabet one letter at a time and ask your child to find objects around the house that begin with that letter (A: apple, B: book, C: cat and so on). Challenge kids to find objects that they haven’t previously used when playing the game to expand their vocabulary.
- Turn screen time into vocabulary-building time: Sylvan Learning has teamed up with master puzzler David L. Hoyt to add his puzzle game JUST2FUN to the SylvanPlay network of games. JUST2FUN encourages kids in grades 1 through 4 to develop and master vocabulary skills with more than 300 fun and original word puzzles.
How it works: The picture is the clue and every puzzle’s answer is just 2 words — a common pairing (“BUZZ OFF”), a famous character’s name (“SNOW WHITE”), or a fun word combination. David Hoyt provides hints for every puzzle so your kids will never get stuck.
- Take it to the board: Board games can help build vocabulary skills while having fun. Scrabble Junior features kid-sized words and colorful pictures. If kids don’t know the words being played, take a moment to grab the dictionary and look it up! Ask kids to practice using the words in a sentence.
- Play a game of concentration: Take your child’s vocabulary list from school and write out all of the words and their definitions on separate notecards. Group the cards by words and definitions, make sure that the blank side of the notecard is facing up and ask kids to randomly flip over the first cards. If the word and definition match up, remove them from play but if they don’t, flip them back over and try again. This game tests both vocabulary and memory skills!
- Have a conversation competition: Challenge kids to use all of their vocabulary words throughout the course of a conversation. As each word is used correctly in a sentence, check them off of a sheet and when done, offer a special reward like getting to pick the movie or game for family night.
Share your family’s fun vocabulary games in the comments below!
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